judgment collection attorney in florida

Judgment collection is more challenging than it seems, especially for small businesses. Every business faces hurdles when dealing with intricacies and lengthy process of judgment collection. While many of us get happy after winning the case, the real challenge lies in the collection process.

Judgment collection involves various challenges, often requiring the navigation of complex legal procedures. Hence, understanding these challenges is crucial to developing an effective strategy and improving the chances of successful recovery.

Let’s understand how small business owners can collect on a judgment.

Steps to Collect on a Judgment

Understanding your Judgment

judgment collection attorney

When the court makes a judgment in your favor, it legally obligates the debtor to pay you the specified amount they owe you. However, the court will not help you in the judgment collection process. It’s essential to understand the scope of your judgment as it will outline the amount, including legal interest and fees. Read your judgment carefully to understand the exact terms. This will help you create a solid roadmap to collect your judgment. Even if you have a judgment in your favor, it’s essential to understand you must take steps to enforce it and collect your money. A clear strategy will help you follow the right footprint and improve the chances of successful recovery.

Identifying Debtor’s Assets

Judgment creditors can use a variety of tools to locate a debtor’s assets. For example, interrogatories or depositions can help locate the debtor’s assets. Identify both tangible and intangible assets the debtor owns. Tangible assets refer to physical objects such as buildings or equipment. Intangible assets refer to non-physical objects like copyrights or franchises. It’s common for judgment debtors to hide or transfer objects in order to avoid paying debt. Such practices are considered illegal and result in severe outcomes. If the court identifies such actions, it can penalize the debtor during enforcement.

Take Care of Timing

Timely action is crucial to collecting your money. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to recover your money.  Delays in action can give debtors time to hide or transfer their assets or even file bankruptcy, making it more difficult to collect your judgment. Most judgments come under the statute of limitations. This means you can collect your money within a set period of time before it expires. The duration of the period typically ranges from five to twenty-five years, depending on the jurisdiction in which you live. Check local laws to act accordingly within the time. The process can be initiated by thoroughly documenting every attempt to recover the debt. These steps include dispatching the demand letters and systematically recording any correspondence with the debtor. These records can be essential evidence in escalating the matter legally.

Learn about the Debtor’s Assets

Learning about the debtor’s assets can provide valuable insight into their financial situation. Knowing the assets debtors hold, you can find the best way to collect your judgment. To determine the debtor’s assets, start by conducting basic online research such as visiting social media profiles, checking real-estate records, or business filings. For detailed investigation, you can hire a judgment collection attorney who may assist in the process. Collecting this information lets you make informed decisions about the best method to recover your money, whether garnishing wages, seizing assets, or placing a lien on the property.

Maintain Professionalism

judgment collection agency

The process of collecting judgment requires a professional and persistent approach. It’s essential to maintain a professional approach throughout the process to protect your business’s reputation. Complement the documentation and follow up with the debtor regularly. Ensure all communication channels are open, as the debtor can contact you anytime. Be ready to negotiate if necessary.

Take Support from Collection Agencies

If you are struggling to collect the judgment after winning the case, hiring a professional judgment collection agency may be the best option. These professionals are experts in the judgment-collection process, utilizing their skills to track down debtors and use the best method to collect the judgment. Choosing the judgment collection agency can be helpful if you lack the time and resources. Ensure you connect with a professional judgment collection agency to safeguard against potential scams and unethical practices. Persistence and professionalism can be your key to successful judgment.


Judgment collection is a challenging journey but can be achieved through persistent efforts. By utilizing the different collection methodologies and responding to the situation thoughtfully, your creditors improve the chances of successful recovery. However, it’s important to understand that professional assistance is the best way to ensure success in your efforts. Creditors can consult with judgment collection experts to simplify their collection efforts and easily recover their money. If you are looking for a professional judgment collection attorney in Florida, you can contact Public Loss Adjusters. Our dedicated efforts will help you remove every challenge of the collection process and recover your hard-earned money.

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